Filing Orders of Protection

Answer the questions on the website to determine whether you qualify for an Order of Protection, Civil No Contact Order, Stalking No Contact Order, or Firearms Restraining Order, based on your situation and Illinois statutes. There are no fees charged for obtaining an Order of Protection or for the service of that Order.

Note: You will need to have a good (valid) address for the person against whom you are filing the Petition because your Petition must be served on the respondent at a later time.

Steps for Obtaining an Order of Protection- IN PERSON

  1. Go to and follow the steps for completing your petition for a protection order. A self-serve kiosk is also located in the lobby of the Lake County Criminal Court Tower.
  2. The website will give you a "receipt number" which will allow you to save your petition and return to it as many times as necessary. Write down your "receipt number" or print the confirmation page; this will assist Courthouse staff in locating your petition.
  3. If you need assistance starting or completing the petition and navigating the process, visit the advocates from A Safe Place located on the 5 th Floor of the Lake County Criminal Court Tower in room D-100 from Monday-Friday 8:15am-4:15pm (closed from 12:00-1:00pm). Bring your “receipt number” if you have already started your petition. A Safe Place can be reached at 847-360-6471.
  4. If you do not need A Safe Place’s assistance, go directly to Courtroom T-511 in the Lake County Criminal Court Tower once you have completed your petition and check in with the Clerk (provide the "receipt number"). Petitions will be heard in-person in T-511 during regular business hours Monday through Friday between 9:00 am-11:30 am and 1:30 pm- 4:00 pm.
  5. A case number will be assigned to you and the information will be provided to the Judge for review. See below for information about the hearing.

Steps for Obtaining an Order of Protection- REMOTELY

  1. Go to and follow the steps for completing your petition for a protection order. The website will give you a "receipt number" which will allow you to save your petition and return to it as many times as necessary.
  2. After you have finalized your petition, find the correct date and time at the following link to Zoom in to Courtroom T-511.
  3. Petitions will be heard remotely via Zoom Monday - Friday between 9:00 am-11:15 am and 1:30 pm- 3:30 pm.
  4. Once you have been admitted into the virtual courtroom, use the chat feature to provide your name, receipt number, and email address to the Clerk, then wait for your case to be called.
  5. A case number will be assigned to you, your petition will be officially filed, and the information will be provided to the judge for review. See below for information about the hearing.

Steps for Obtaining an Order of Protection-WEEKENDS/HOLIDAYS

  1. Follow the steps above for completing the petition.
  2. For in-person, once the petition is completed either online or at the self-serve kiosk go to courtroom T-020.
  3. Remote court sessions on the weekends/holidays can be found at the following link: See below for information about the hearing
  4. Call A Safe Place’s 24-hour hotline at 847-249-4450 or 1-800-600-SAFE (7233) to receive additional assistance.


At the initial hearing, you must establish that abuse has occurred, and that further abuse is likely to occur again if the abuser were given prior notice of the filing of your case.

Depending on your individual situation, the judge may also issue orders granting temporary maintenance, child support, child custody, and possession of your home. An Emergency Order of Protection may be in effect for up to 21 days, an Interim Order of Protection for up to 30 days, and a Plenary (Final) Order of Protection for up to 2 years.

The purpose of the Interim Order is to give the petitioner time to initiate additional legal action, such as a divorce or separation or time for the respondent and/or petitioner to seek legal advice should they wish to pursue another course of action. Because each case is unique, the exact outcome of any one case cannot be predicted.

Plenary Hearing:

All plenary hearings (subsequent hearings to determine if an Order of Protection will continue for up to two years) will be in person unless otherwise ordered by the Court. The Respondent must be served by a sheriff or by publication for this hearing to take place. Petitioner shall file a motion requesting the plenary hearing be heard remotely in advance of the scheduled plenary hearing date, if necessary. During this hearing, you will have an opportunity to testify, present your evidence, and bring witnesses.